I'm so thrilled! It's seriously been 5 years since I've had a new phone!
For some time now I've dealt with the sadness that was my cell phone. Though it was ancient, it did serve me well.
I got my old phone when I got home from the mission. It treated me well, eventually when I moved to Vegas, I added Steve to my plan. That wasn't the smartest move because it stuck me in a new contract. Then Steve had to go get married ;) and with him he took "our" plan. I didn't realize that he also took my good standing with the company and the $ towards an upgrade for a new phone. So I was stuck.
Then when I moved back to Manteca I decided to join a plan with the parents to save a few bucks.
Though I saved some money, I also lost some freedom. Eventually my dad blocked my text messaging. (A lame and annoying story in itself...)
So I new it was time to get my own plan again. I then decided to wait to see if Kyle would like to get on a plan with me. I thought if it made it cheaper, that'd be nice, and also to save him from the Text-Nazi lameness of the parents plan. He agreed, and then requested that we wait until he had a job lined up. So what was a few more months right?
Well wouldn't you know it, Kyle decided to get his own plan. Silly kid. He also decided to get the exact same phone as me, color and all. :)
But it's here now! And I couldn't be happier!